Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Hand Scraped Flooring: Points to Keep in Mind

The demand for hand-scraped flooring is growing. Yet, this type of flooring, in terms of appearance, isn't like any other. If you are one of the many considering it for your home, what points do you need to keep in mind as you look for the right type of hand-scraped hardwood?

First, nearly all species – domestic and exotic – are available as this distressed variety. Species from white oak to Brazilian cherry are all available with this distressed and rustic look. And, any floor of a building can have hand-scraped flooring, as both solid and engineered types are distressed. As you look at different types of hand-scraped flooring, think about where you will be installing it into your home, and plan accordingly with the right type of solid or engineered hardwood.

What's most notable about hand-scraped hardwood is its creation. All planks are distressed by hand, and as a result, no two appear similar. Multiple methods are used for distressing hardwood, including the following techniques for aging, scraping, or finishing.

Aged hardwood goes by one of two names: Time Worn Aged or Antique. Both are similar, but a lower grade is used for Antique flooring. In addition to being aged, the hardwood's distressed appearance is accented further through darker staining, highlighting the grain, or contouring.

Scraping techniques alter the texture of the hardwood, making an otherwise smooth surface rough. Wire Brushed is a term used to indicate hand-scraped flooring with removed sapwood and accented grain. Hand-sculpted, on the other hand, still has texture but is smoother than other varieties. Hardwood that is Hand Hewn and Rough Sawn has the roughest texture for hand-scraped flooring, with even saw marks visible.

Flooring that uses finish to give hardwood an aged texture is usually sold as French Bleed. Such hand-scraped flooring has deeper beveled edges, and the joints of the floor are highlighted with darker stain. Also a somewhat superficial type of hand-scraped flooring is pegged. Considered to be decorative only, pegged flooring must not be fastened directly onto a subfloor.

If you want an even less uniform appearance for your floor, consider having it custom distressed. In this case, after the unfinished hardwood is installed, a professional comes in to alter it through beating with chains, pickeling, fastening with antique nails, or bleaching. After, a finish is applied.

Also as you look at hand-scraped hardwood, think about your flooring long term. Will you want a distressed appearance a decade or more down the line? If not, plan ahead by going with flooring that can be sanded down: solid hardwood or an engineered variety with a thicker wear layer.

If, on the other hand, you plan to keep the hand-scraped flooring, think about how you will refinish it years down the line. Ideally, to keep up the distressed look without diminishing it through sanding, you will need a floor abrader to remove only the finish, or be prepared to have a professional refinish your floors.


Monday, 29 December 2014

Web Data Scraping Services Have Various Method Of Business

Magnetic or optical data removal or Data Scraping Services is a term that refers to the elimination of digital storage media. Data Scraping Services of the method varies, depending on medium and method used in the process.

Similarly, patents, models, business strategies and other confidential business information, including sensitive data, can be easily accessed by others if the data is not deleted.As I said in the beginning, Data Scraping Services methods vary depending on the storage medium. For each storage medium, there are a variety of Data Scraping Services techniques.

Optical media such as  that can be destroyed by the plastic granulating. This method does not extract information, but makes recovery almost impossible. However, removal of thin film that coats the top of the disk, scraping, sanding by hand or destroy physical data. In contrast, using the microwave, a less traditional technologies, stable and disk storage layer of the thin film is very effective for the most common cause sparks to load.

Typical modern magnetic media and hard drives, tape backup units of such media is possible, but in the face of such devices requires considerable financial investment in the plant. Acids, in particular, nitric acid, 50% concentration in the iron oxide layer to react with violence, it will be completely destroyed within a few minute. In some cases it may be a storage alternative for incineration. However, this may inadvertently expose caseinogens operator and may be restricted in certain countries.

Data Scraping Services, on the other hand, is defined by Wikipedia as "an automatic search for large stores of data for patterns of practice." In other words, you already know, and you learn things about it useful analysis.

Data Scraping Services is often accompanied by a lot of complex algorithms based on statistical methods. How do you see the data in the first place - is not. Data Scraping Services analysis, you only care about what is already there in many cases, a single-pass binary wipe (to write random zeroes and ones riding) will permanently deletes all data from the storage device to remove.

use of materials recovery.
It is for this reason that the technology has been left until last.
Data Scraping Services, screen scraping is not.
This is a great simplification, so I will work a bit.

Fast-forwarding to the web world today, screen scraping is the information relates to websites. This means that computer programs "crawl" or can "spider" through web sites, data retrieval. people, We deserved pages, text data Scraping Services, automated data collection, data extraction and web site even bloody website if we have a problem it presents some.

Data Scraping Services, on the other hand, is defined by Wikipedia as "an automatic search for large stores of data for patterns of practice." In other words, you already know, and you learn things about it useful analysis. Data Scraping Services is often accompanied by a lot of complex algorithms based on statistical methods. How do you see the data in the first place - is not. Data Scraping Services analysis, you only care about what is already there.


Saturday, 27 December 2014

Scraping By

In his classic 1976 Chesapeake portrait, Beautiful Swimmers, William Warner described the scrape boat as "a workboat unlike any other I had ever seen on the Bay." Seeming half as wide as it was long, he said, it looked like a "a miniature battleship." There's a reason for that, of course. It's a classic case of form following function; the boat evolved for one purpose, to ply the Bay's grassy shallows for shedding blue crabs.

Said to "float on a heavy dew," scrape boats run from 26 to 30 feet long and 9 to 10 feet wide. The hull is a shallow-V deadrise that quickly flattens toward the stern, enabling the boat to pull its twin scrapes—rectangular steel frames, each with a trailing mesh bag—in knee-deep waters. The broad beam might sound ungainly, but the hull tapers toward the stern—betraying its sailboat origins. And it has a graceful sheer, flowing from a bow height of a few feet to little more than a foot above the water amidships.

And you want a low freeboard when you spend the whole day hoisting aboard scrapes, which weigh 50 pounds apiece, not including the load of sea grass and crabs that come in too. Low sides or not, there's a higher than average inci-dence of back problems among scrape boat crabbers. They spend long days bending in precisely the position back doctors say puts undue pressure on the lower back as they sort through rolls of grasses to pluck out the peelers and softies. And that alone may be why crab potting is now the far more common way of catching soft crabs.

Some people think that's good, assuming that dragging a scrape across the Bay's beleaguered grass flats must be destructive. But the smooth bar of the scrape, unlike a toothed dredge, doesn't uproot grasses. In fact, where scraping is traditional, the grass beds seem relatively resilient. I've often thought if Maryland and Virginia had stuck with scraping as the major legal way to soft-crab, overfishing might not have become a problem. Pots can be deployed everywhere and by the thousands, whereas scraping is limited to grass beds and to ground covered at three miles per hour; and even the sturdiest waterman can only pull two of them by hand. But peeler pots seem here to stay, and other soft crabbers have taken to using a single, large scrape operated from larger workboats by hydraulic power.

The bottom line is that these lovely, superbly functional expressions of Chesapeake crabbing culture now number only in the dozens, if you count working, wooden models. There are some fiberglass scrape boat hulls in service, and a Carolina skiff or two has been adapted for the task. They are functional, but have little art to them.

It is probably a sign of how fast scrape boats are going that the Smithsonian Institution recently took the lines off Darlene, a scraper worked by Morris Marsh of Smith Island, for its archives. You can see photos of scrape boats, and learn more about the 140-year old history of scraping, from Paula Johnson's fine book, The Workboats of Smith Island. Mr. Marsh, still going strong in his late 60s, is the scraper who took Warner out nearly 40 years ago when he was researching Beautiful Swimmers.

Indeed, scraping seems to win over those who master it. Marsh's father-in-law, Ed Harrison, scraped for almost 70 years, nearly wearing through the cross-planked bottom of his boat—from the inside—with decades of walking the planks, tending his scrapes. And an islander who scrapes with Marsh today, David Laird, says he is 71—one year younger than Scotty Boy, the scrape boat he took over from his dad in 1958. "I wouldn't even know how to crab in another boat," Laird says.

Soft crabs may well be caught—or farmed—a century from now on the Chesapeake; but no one will devise a way to take them so intimately and beautifully from the shallowest marsh edges and tiniest crevices in the shore as the scrapers do.


Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Choose Mining Wear Parts Wisely

It is important to choose a reputable supplier of mining wear parts; one that has been acknowledged as a leader in mining expertise. You will want to research and seek out a company that specializes in the engineering, manufacturing, procurement and design of mining wear parts and who has access to a multitude of patterns and templates to choose from.

It is vital to find a company that invites you to put them to the test; a company that is committed to selling more than just a product, standing behind the parts that they design and manufacture with an unprecedented industry guarantee. Some companies are so confident in their products that each wear part is stamped with their logo, identifying it as a superior product.

You will also want to find a company that takes pride in establishing strong customer relationships and who employs people who are as equally committed to providing outstanding service with customer satisfaction a priority. Your research will help you find a mining wear parts company that guarantees that if they do not have the part available, that they will find it for you or are capable of custom designing products to your exact specifications.

If you stop to consider the ramifications of an equipment malfunction or breakdown on production quotas, the significance of reliable parts becomes readily apparent. The impact can be far reaching if it halts production while the necessary repairs are completed. The ugly reality is that downtime incurs financial losses.

While the cost of aftermarket replacement mining wear parts is one factor, the installation of the part is equally as important. It is vital that aftermarket parts are built to a rugged standard to endure the rigorous industrial demands placed on them. Mining wear parts are routinely subjected to high stress abrasion and impact. The fabricated parts need to have the structural strength to be wear resistant with extended usage. Hardened manganese is the preferred material of choice to impart added strength and avoid premature breakage and replacement. Using inferior quality parts may result in the necessity of replacing them prematurely if they do not withstand the wear and tear that they are subjected to daily. While a few dollars may be saved initially by purchasing inferior mining wear parts, production costs can dramatically increase if frequent breakdowns occur and manpower hours are wasted in the field. Efficient use of manpower is an important budget consideration. Reliability is an absolute necessity w
hen you have production deadlines to meet and operations can quickly grind to a standstill when production is halted.

Quality assurance management monitors the consistency of the parts, demanding that they are machined within precise measurements. In addition, they focus on striving to improve the quality of parts as new technology becomes available. Using precision made, high quality wear parts can make your business more competitive, giving you an advantage and improving your bottom line.


Monday, 22 December 2014

GScholarXScraper: Hacking the GScholarScraper function with XPath

Kay Cichini recently wrote a word-cloud R function called GScholarScraper on his blog which when given a search string will scrape the associated search results returned by Google Scholar, across pages, and then produce a word-cloud visualisation.

This was of interest to me because around the same time I posted an independent Google Scholar scraper function  get_google_scholar_df() which does a similar job of the scraping part of Kay’s function using XPath (whereas he had used Regular Expressions). My function worked as follows: when given a Google Scholar URL it will extract as much information as it can from each search result on the URL webpage  into different columns of a dataframe structure.

In the comments of his blog post I figured it’d be fun to hack his function to provide an XPath alternative, GScholarXScraper. Essensially it’s still the same function he wrote and therefore full credit should go to Kay on this one as he fully deserves it – I certainly had no previous idea how to make a word cloud, plus I hadn’t used the tm package in ages (to the point where I’d forgotten most of it!). The main changes I made were as follows:

    Restructure internal code of GScholarScraper into a series of local functions which each do a seperate job (this made it easier for me to hack because I understood what was doing what and why).

    As far as possible, strip out Regular Expressions and replace with XPath alternatives (made possible via the XML package). Hence the change of name to GScholarXScraper. Basically, apart from a little messing about with the generation of the URLs I just copied over my get_google_scholar_df() function and removed the Regular Expression alternatives. I’m not saying one is better than the other but f0r me personally, I find XPath shorter and quicker to code but either is a good approach for web scraping like this (note to self: I really need to lean more about regular expressions!) :)

•    Vectorise a few of the loops I saw (it surprises me how second nature this has become to me – I used to find the *apply family of functions rather confusing but thankfully not so much any more!).
•    Make use of getURL from the RCurl package (I was getting some mutibyte string problems originally when using readLines but this approach automatically fixed it for me).
•    Add option to make a word-cloud from either the “title” or the “description” fields of the Google Scholar search results
•    Added steaming via the Rstem package because I couldn’t get the Snowball package to install with my version of java. This was important to me because I was getting word clouds with variations of the same word on it e.g. “game”, “games”, “gaming”.
•    Forced use of URLencode() on generation of URLs to automatically avoid problems with search terms like “Baldur’s Gate” which would otherwise fail.

I think that’s pretty much everything I added. Anyway, here’s how it works (link to full code at end of post):

<div id="LC198"># #EXAMPLE 1: Display word cloud based on the title field of each Google Scholar search result returned</div>
<div id="LC199"># GScholarXScraper(search.str = "Baldur's Gate", field = "title", write.table = FALSE, stem = TRUE)</div>
<div id="LC200">#</div>
<div id="LC201"># # word freq</div>
<div id="LC202"># # game game 71</div>
<div id="LC203"># # comput comput 22</div>
<div id="LC204"># # video video 13</div>
<div id="LC205"># # learn learn 11</div>
<div id="LC206"># # [TRUNC...]</div>
<div id="LC207"># #</div>
<div id="LC208"># #</div>
<div id="LC209"># # Number of titles submitted = 210</div>
<div id="LC210"># #</div>
<div id="LC211"># # Number of results as retrieved from first webpage = 267</div>
<div id="LC212"># #</div>
<div id="LC213"># # Be aware that sometimes titles in Google Scholar outputs are truncated - that is why, i.e., some mandatory intitle-search strings may not be contained in all titles</div>


// image

I think that’s kind of cool and corresponds to what I would expect for a search about the legendary Baldur’s Gate computer role playing game :)  The following is produced if we look at the ‘description’ filed instead of the ‘title’ field:


<div id="LC215"># # EXAMPLE 2: Display word cloud based on the description field of each Google Scholar search result returned</div>
<div id="LC216">GScholarXScraper(search.str = "Baldur's Gate", field = "description", write.table = FALSE, stem = TRUE)</div>
<div id="LC217">#</div>
<div id="LC218"># # word freq</div>
<div id="LC219"># # page page 147</div>
<div id="LC220"># # gate gate 132</div>
<div id="LC221"># # game game 130</div>
<div id="LC222"># # baldur baldur 129</div>
<div id="LC223"># # roleplay roleplay 21</div>
<div id="LC224"># # [TRUNC...]</div>
<div id="LC225"># #</div>
<div id="LC226"># # Number of titles submitted = 210</div>
<div id="LC227"># #</div>
<div id="LC228"># # Number of results as retrieved from first webpage = 267</div>
<div id="LC229"># #</div>
<div id="LC230"># # Be aware that sometimes titles in Google Scholar outputs are truncated - that is why, i.e., some mandatory intitle-search strings may not be contained in all titles</div>


Not bad. I could see myself using the text mining and word cloud functionality with other projects I’ve been playing with such as Facebook, Google+, Yahoo search pages, Google search pages, Bing search pages… could be fun!

Many thanks again to Kay for making his code publicly available so that I could play with it and improve my programming skill set.


Full code for GScholarXScraper can be found here:

Original GSchloarScraper code is here:

Full code for just the XPath scraping function is here:


Thursday, 18 December 2014

Extractions and Skin Care

As an esthetician or skin care professional, you may have heard some controversy over the matter of performing extractions during a routine facial service. What may seem like a relatively simple procedure can actually raise great controversy in the world of esthetics. Some estheticians regard extractions as a matter of providing a complete service while others see this as inflicting trauma to the skin. Learning more about both sides of the issue can help you as a professional in making an informed decision and explaining the issue to your clients.

What is an extraction?
As a basic review, an extraction is removing impurity (plug of dead skin or oil) from a pore or pimple. It is the removal of both blackheads and whiteheads from the skin. Extractions occur after the skin has been thoroughly cleansed, exfoliated and sometimes steamed to soften the area prior to extraction.

Why Do It?

Extractions are considered a "must" by many estheticians when performing a routine facial because they want to leave their clients skin looking and feeling it's best. When done correctly, a simple extraction should be quick and relatively painless. As a trained esthetician it is important to know if your client has sensitive skin which would make them more prone to the damage that can be caused by extractions.

Why Not?

Extractions should only be performed by a trained esthetician and should not be done in excess. Extractions can cause broken capillaries or sin irritations that can lead to more (not less) breakouts. Extractions can also cause discomfort for your client when done incorrectly so you should seek their permission before performing any type of extraction during their facial. Remember your client has the right to know any product or procedure being performed on their skin and make an informed choice.

Who Decides?

As an esthetician it may be entirely up to you or it may be a procedure within your salon to do or not do extractions. It is important to check the guidelines of your employer and know their policies before performing any procedure. Remember to explain extractions and their benefits and possible complications to your client. Trust is an important part of any relationship and your client needs to know you are being open and honest with them. The last thing you want as a professional is a reputation for inflicting unnecessary and unwanted procedures or damage to your client's skin.

Bellanina Institute's owner and director, Nina Howard, is a multi-talented, forward-thinking entrepreneur who has built the Bellanina brand form the ground up to a successful million-dollar spa, spa training business, and skin care product line. Nina is a Licensed Esthetician with Para-Medical studies, Massage Therapist, Polarity Therapist, Skin Care Educator, Artist, and Professional Interior Designer.


Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Benefits of Predictive Analytics and Data Mining Services

Predictive Analytics is the process of dealing with variety of data and apply various mathematical formulas to discover the best decision for a given situation. Predictive analytics gives your company a competitive edge and can be used to improve ROI substantially. It is the decision science that removes guesswork out of the decision-making process and applies proven scientific guidelines to find right solution in the shortest time possible.

Predictive analytics can be helpful in answering questions like:

•    Who are most likely to respond to your offer?
•    Who are most likely to ignore?
•    Who are most likely to discontinue your service?
•    How much a consumer will spend on your product?
•    Which transaction is a fraud?
•    Which insurance claim is a fraudulent?
•    What resource should I dedicate at a given time?

Benefits of Data mining include:

•    Better understanding of customer behavior propels better decision
•    Profitable customers can be spotted fast and served accordingly
•    Generate more business by reaching hidden markets
•    Target your Marketing message more effectively
•    Helps in minimizing risk and improves ROI.
•    Improve profitability by detecting abnormal patterns in sales, claims, transactions etc
•    Improved customer service and confidence
•    Significant reduction in Direct Marketing expenses

Basic steps of Predictive Analytics are as follows:
•    Spot the business problem or goal
•    Explore various data sources such as transaction history, user demography, catalog details, etc)
•    Extract different data patterns from the above data
•    Build a sample model based on data & problem
•    Classify data, find valuable factors, generate new variables
•    Construct a Predictive model using sample
•    Validate and Deploy this Model

Standard techniques used for it are:
•    Decision Tree
•    Multi-purpose Scaling
•    Linear Regressions
•    Logistic Regressions
•    Factor Analytics
•    Genetic Algorithms
•    Cluster Analytics
•    Product Association

Should you have any queries regarding Data Mining or Predictive Analytics applications, please feel free to contact us. We would be pleased to answer each of your queries in detail.


Monday, 15 December 2014

RAM Scraping a New Old Favorite For Hackers

Some of the best stories involve a conflict with an old enemy: a friend-turned-foe, long thought dead, returning from the grave for violent retribution; an ancient order of dark siders from the distant reaches of the galaxy, hiding in plain sight and waiting to seize power for themselves; a dark lord thought destroyed millennia ago, only to rise again and seek his favorite piece of jewelry.  The list goes on.

Granted, 2011 isn’t quite “millennia,” and this story isn’t meant for entertainment, but the old foe in this instance is nonetheless dangerous in its own right.  That is the year when RAM scraping malware first made major headlines: originating as an advanced version of the Trackr malware, controlled through a botnet, it was discovered in the compromised Point of Sale (POS) systems of a university and several hotels.  And while it seemed recently that this method had dwindled in popularity, the Target and other retail breaches saw it return with a vengeance.  With 110 million Target customers having their information compromised, it was easily one the largest incidents involving memory scrapers.

How does it work?  First, the malware has to be introduced into the POS network, which can happen via any machine that is connected to the network, or unsecured wireless networks.  Even with firewalls, an infected laptop could serve as a vector.  Once installed, the malware can hide in the shadows, employing encryption or antivirus-avoiding tools to prevent its identification until it’s ready to strike.  Then, when a customer’s card gets used at a POS machine, the data contained within—name, card number, security code, etc.—gets sent to the system memory.  “There is that opportunity to steal the credit card information when it is in memory, perhaps even before your payment has even been authorized, and the data hasn't even been written to the hard drive yet,” says security researcher Graham Cluley.

So, why not encrypt the system’s memory, when it’s at its most vulnerable?  Not that simple, sadly: “No matter how strong your encryption is, if the system needs to process data or process the code, everything needs to be decrypted in memory,” Chris Elisan, principal malware scientist at security firm RSA, explained to Dark Reading.

There are certain steps a company can take, of course, and should take, to reduce the risk.  Strong passwords to access the POS machines, firewalls to isolate the POS network from the Internet, disabling remote access to POS systems, to name a few.  All the same, while these measures are vital and should be used, I don’t think, in light of recent breaches, they are sufficient.  Now, I wrote a short time ago about the impending October 2014 deadline imposed by the credit card industry, regarding the systematic switch to chipped credit card technology; adopting this standard will definitely assist in eradicating this problem.  But, until such a time when a widespread implementation of new systems comes about, always be vigilant to protect your data from attack, because what’s old is new again, and a colossal data breach is a story consumers are liable to seek financial restitution for.


Saturday, 13 December 2014

Microfinance Data Scraping

I went to the Datakind‘s New York Datadive last November and met the Microfinance Information Exchange (MIX), a group that ‘delivers data services, analysis, research and business information on the institutions that provide financial services to the world’s poor’. They wanted to see whether web-scraping could save them from manually gathering data. So fellow divers and I showed MIX the utility of web-scraping. Over the course of a day, about six people scraped data about microfinance institutions from a bunch of websites, saving MIX an estimated year of manual data entry.

Over the past few months, I worked further with MIX to study who has access to what sorts of financial services. DataKind just put up our blog post about the project. Read the post, or just look at the map and explore the data.


Thursday, 11 December 2014

Content Scraping Reuses Blog Posts without Permission

What do popular blogs and websites such as Social Media Examiner, Copy Blogger,, Mashable, and Type A Parent have in common? No, it’s not traffic and a loyal online community, each was a victim of the content scraping site “BuzzMyFx.” Although most bloggers fall victim to content scrapers at least once, the offending website was such an extreme case the backlash against it was fast and furious. Thanks to the quick action of many angry bloggers, BuzzMyFix was taken down in a matter of days.

If you’re not familiar with content scraping sites and aren’t sure why they’re bad and what you can do if you fall prey, read on. Not knowing what steps you can take to remove your content from a scraping site can mean someone else is profiting from your hard work.

What is content scraping?

Content scraping is when a blog or website pulls in other bloggers’ content without permission, in many cases passing it off as their own. Instead of stocking their sites with unique content, they steal entire blog posts. Some do leave the original authors’ bylines, but there are plenty that don’t provide attribution at all. This is not a good thing at all.

If you don’t care about someone taking your content and putting it on their blogs and websites without your permission, you should. These sites are stealing traffic, search engine rankings, and even advertising revenue from bloggers. Moreover, by ignoring scraping sites you’re giving the message that this practice is OK.

It’s not OK.

How was BuzzMyFx different?

BuzzMyFx was a little different from your usual scrapers. Bloggers didn’t just find their content had been posted on this site, they learned their entire blogs — down to the design and comments — had been cloned. Plus, any bloggers checking to see if their blogs were being cloned immediately found themselves being scraped as well. Dozens, if not hundreds of blogs were affected. However, bloggers didn’t take this incident sitting down. They spread the word and contacted the site’s host en masse. Thanks to their swift action, and the high number of complaints, the site was removed quickly.

How can I tell if my content is being scraped?

Fortunately for content creators, scrapers are a lazy bunch. Because their sites are automated, and they don’t check or read the content being pulled, they don’t take many precautions to ensure the people they scrape from don’t find their sites. In fact, they may not even care. Fortunately, this makes it easy to learn if your content is being stolen.

    Link to your own articles — When you write a blog post and link to other (of your own) blog posts within that post, it’s not only good SEO. You also will get pingbacks whenever someone else steals your content because of your interlinks. You’re alerted when someone links to your content, and when content is published with your links, you’ll get that alert.

    Google Alerts — If your name, blog’s name, or other unique keywords are set up as Google Alerts, you’ll receive an e-mail every time content is published with these keywords.

    Analytics — When people click on your links that are in scraped content, it will show up as referring traffic in your analytics program. You should always check referring traffic so you can thank the referring site owner, but also to make sure no one is stealing your content.

What steps can I take to remove my content from a scraper?

If you find your content is being stolen, know you have several options. First, you’ll need to find out who owns the scraping site. You can find this out by doing a WHOis domain lookup, which will enable you to search for the website’s details, including the name of the webmaster, contact info, and the name of the site’s host.

Keep in mind that sometimes the website’s owner will pay extra to have his or her name kept private, but you will always be able to find the name of the host. Once you have this information, you can take the necessary steps to have your content removed.

    Contact the site’s owner personally: Your first step should always be a polite request to remove your content immediately. Let the website owner know he or she is in violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), and you will take the necessary steps to report him if he doesn’t comply.

    Contact the site’s host: If you can’t find the name of the person who owns the site, or if he won’t comply with your takedown request, contact the website’s host. You’ll have to prove your content is being stolen. As the host can be held liable for allowing the content theft, it’s in their best interest to contact the website owner and request removal.

    Contact Google: You can contact Google and fill out a form to have them remove the website from their search engines.

    Spread the word: Let all your blogging friends know about content scrapers when you come across them. The more people who take action against content scrapers, the less likely they are to do it again.

Contacting the webmaster with a takedown notice doesn’t have to be an intimidating process, either. The website Plagiarism Today has a wonderful set of stock letters to use to contact webmasters, web hosts, and even Google. All you have to do is insert the necessary information.

Content scrapers and cloners may try to steal your content, but you don’t have to let them. Stand up for what’s yours.


Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Finding & Removing Spam Blogs Who Scrape Content Onto Free Hosted Blogs

The more popular you become in the blogging world, the more crap you have to deal with!
Content scraping is one chore that can be dealt with swiftly once you understand what to do.
This post contains links which you can use to quickly and easily report content scrapers and spam blogs.
Please share this post and help clean up spam blogs and punish content scrapers.
First step is to find your url’s which have been scraped of content and then get the scrapers spam blog removed.

Some of the tools i use to do this are:

    Google Webmaster Tools
    Google Alerts

Finding Scraped Content
Login to your Google Webmaster Tools account and go to traffic > links to your site.
You should see something like this:
Webmaster Tools Links to Your Site

The first domain is a site which has copied and embedded my homepage which i have already dealt with.
The second site is a search engine.
The third domain is the one i want to deal with.

A common method scrapers use is to post the scraped content from your rss feed on to a free hosted blog like or

Once you click the link in webmaster tools, you’ll find all the url’s which have been scraped.
Links to Your Site

There’s 32 url’s which have been linked to so its simply a matter of clicking each of your links and finding the culprits.

The first link is my homepage which has been linked to by legit domains like WordPress developers.
The others are mainly linked to by spam blogs who have scraped the content and used a free hosted service which in this case is Links to Your Site
 Reporting & Removing Spam Blogs

Once you have the url’s of the content scraping blogs as seen in the screenshot above:

    Fill in this basic form to report spam to
    Fill in this form to report copyright content to
    Use this form to report Blogspot and content which has been scraped.
    Fill in one of these forms to remove content from Google

Google Alerts
Its very easy to setup a Google alert to find your post titles when they get scraped.
If you’ve setup the WordPress SEO plugin correctly, you should have included your site title at the end of all your post titles.
Then all you need to do is setup a Google alert for your site title and you’ll be notified every time a scraper links to your content.

Link Notifications

You may also receive a pingback or trackback if you have this feature enabled in your discussion settings.

Link Notifications
RSS Feed Links

Most content scrapers use automated software to scrape the content from RSS feeds.
Make sure you configure your Reading settings so only a summary is displayed.
Reading Settings Feed Summary

Next step is to configure the settings in Yoast’s SEO plugin so links back to your site are included in all RSS feed post summaries.

RSS Feed Links

This will help search engines identify you and your domain as the original author of the content.
There’s other services like copyscape and dmca which can help you protect your sites content if you’re prepared to pay a premium.
That’s it folks.
Its easy to find and get spam sites removed once you know what to do.
Hope you don’t have to deal with this garbage to often.
Ever found out your content has been scraped?
What did you do about it?
